Is It Safe To Paint Stucco?
It is safe to paint the stucco siding on your home, when done properly. There are different types of paints and finishes that work well with stucco, which will be detailed below, as well as the steps you can take to ensure your stucco is prepared to be painted.
How To Prepare Stucco for Paint
Prior to painting your stucco, it is important to properly paint the surface to ensure the best look of your paint job. You should make sure the stucco is clean prior to painting by pressure washing the entire surface of the stucco and thoroughly removing any dirt and debris. You should let the surface of the stucco cure for at least 1-2 weeks, and make sure the stucco does not encounter any moisture for at least 3 days before painting the stucco. Prior to painting, it is best to prime the surface with a paint primer that is suitable for masonry surfaces. If you speak with a member of the team at your local hardware or paint store, they will be able to provide recommendations for a primer that will work best with your stucco.
What Type of Paint Should You Use on Stucco?
Elastomeric paints typically work the best with stucco, as they are a clay based paint that is waterproof and flexible enough to work with the exteriors of homes. The waterproof quality of this paint will work especially well for stucco in helping the surface avoid moisture absorption and prevent mildew or mold from growing under the surface of the stucco. The flexibility of the paint allows it to stretch and expand as needed, since stucco is also a flexible material the paint should have the ability to expand and shrink as needed with the weather changes.
Do You Need To Prime Stucco Before Painting?
Priming the stucco before painting with a masonry compatible primer is a beneficial step for ensuring a lasting paint job that looks good. The primer will help the paint go on smoothly, and it also acts as an intermediary between the paint and the stucco, helping to prevent moisture seepage and dirt and debris from reaching the stucco.
How Long Does Paint Last on Stucco?
When properly painted, the paint should last anywhere from 5-10 years on the surface of your stucco home. This provides plenty of time to consider the color of your home, if you like the look of how your stucco is painted now and then make any changes or updates as you’d like, prior to the next time you paint your stucco.
If you are in the process of applying stucco to your home or painting your stucco, contact Titan Stucco to learn about how we can make the process easier with the professional skills and expertise to get the job done.